Dix Pour Cent

Website development

We develop fast and responsive websites

Using best practices in digital eco-design, we create websites that are fast, efficient and accessible, tailored to your business needs. Above all, we apply best UX (user experience) practices, based on scientific research, to create interfaces that are truly accessible and user-friendly.

Some recent projects

Exemple d'accessibilité web sur le site de Décathlon
page d'accueil de doctolib
Web design de la page d'accueil du Club Med pour la rendre plus accessible

Accessible UX design is the key

We design accessible websites, apps and software. By following best practices in digital accessibility and eco-design, we create a more inclusive web… and a better one. 

Our website services

E-commerce website development

We develop e-commerce sites that can be easily managed by our customers. Our aim: to make you fully autonomous when it comes to selling your products. We use Shopify, WordPress or Webflow to develop 100% personalized e-commerce sites, within affordable budgets.

Brand website development

Your website is your best business card. We develop web sites that reflect your image, while respecting your identity and graphic guidelines.

Web design

We design mockups that respect your brand guidelines, to make sure that your website is coherent with the rest of your communication. We work on Figma to provide developers withe the most precise indications regarding animations and interactions.

SEO & URL analysis

Good SEO starts with a URL structure that’s consistent with your business objectives. We help you find the best key words opportunities and provide you with a complete site map.

Wireframes & User Experience

Do you want to improve navigation to maximize your conversion goals? Wireframes are designed to meet best practices in navigation experience. We provide you with interactive, schematic mock-ups of your site, app or software so you can validate its overall structure before developing.

Copywriting for SEO

In line with the SEO study, the copywriting must be optimized for your natural referencing. Based on the keywords selected, this service consists of writing content for the pages of your site that illustrates your brand positioning while enabling you to gain visibility on search engines.

Website translation

Are you looking to translate your website from French to English ? Or English to French ? Our bilingual team will help you with the copywriting and our technical team will make sure that the navigation between both language is fluid and easy on your website.

You need a new website ? Let's talk !

Emilie Laurençot

UX, acquisition et stratégie de marque

Laure Gallian

UX, UI et développement web

Our other services